About Aaron
Aaron Michlewitz was born and raised in the North End of Boston. He has lived and worked in the neighborhoods he represents his whole life, and currently resides in the North End with his wife, Maria.
A graduate of Northeastern University, Aaron has dedicated himself to helping others. He has become a popular mentor to many of his neighborhood’s youth for whom he has been a fixture throughout organized sports programs. He coached youth baseball for nearly a decade with his lifelong friends who he used to play alongside with when he was a participant in these programs.
First elected to the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 2009, Aaron represents the Third Suffolk District, which comprises the Boston neighborhoods of the North End, Waterfront, Chinatown, South End, Downtown, Leather District, Bay Village, and portions of the West End, Beacon Hill and the Back Bay.
Throughout his tenure, Aaron has made the 3rd Suffolk District his priority, focusing on legislation in his district, including several key pieces of legislation such as bilingual ballots for the residents of Chinatown, enacting stricter fines for trash violators in the City and adding a South End seat to the MassPort Community Action Committee.
In February 2019, Michlewitz was named the Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee which considers all legislation affecting the finances of the Commonwealth, including the state’s annual budget. He has perviously served as Chair of the Joint Committee Financial Services, Public Service, Election Laws, and as Chair of the Boston Legislative Delegation.
An active member of the community, Aaron is part of a new generation of Bostonians who remain dedicated to preserving one of Boston’s oldest and long standing cultural traditions. As a member of the St. Anthony’s Society, an organization devoted to worthwhile fundraising for many causes in Boston’s North End community, Aaron is also a member of The Boston Groundwater Trust and is someone who served his community as President of the North End Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC). In addition to the issues that affect the Third Suffolk District as a whole, Aaron holds a valuable and unique insight into the issues affecting his constituents at their door steps every day.

The Third Suffolk District includes the Boston neighborhoods of the North End, Waterfront, Chinatown, South End, Downtown, Leather District, Bay Village, and portions of the West End, Beacon Hill and the Back Bay.